Monday, January 21, 2008

Introduction to TE448

My name is Jennifer Metz and I am a senior right now at MSU. I'm studying Elementary Education with a specialization in Language Arts. I am interested in learning about diverse literature because it is something I have never really studied in-depth before. Even though I am a Language Arts major, I have never read and/or focused on children's literature books, especially books that are related to diversity. So by taking this course I hope to be able to reach the needs of all my students by including texts that are diverse. Diversity is such an important issue that is often times over-looked in elementary classrooms. So throughout this semester, I hope to become more aware of diverse issues and how to approach or solve those issues. I also hope to accumulate a large list of good diverse books that I could use in my own classroom. I know we have already focused on a few diverse books during the first two class, so I hope to continue adding to that list.

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